HUMMM ,,, , This photos I will be posting are my reflection on the mood I beleive people strive for when they watch a photograph or any piece of image. People... think about it. We need an anti futuristic, urban , and mechanical movement. We need something to reminds us how human we are. Anti TELEVISION>> more human relationship. People we gotta say that internet can helps us to unite against the ruling powers of the world who day by day guide us into being more individualistic, lazy and depressed. PEOPLE have to be more humanistic. SEE if you can get this feeling from my photos.. pedro
HUMMM ,,, , This photos I will be posting are my reflection on the mood I beleive people strive for when they watch a photograph or any piece of image. People... think about it. We need an anti futuristic, urban , and mechanical movement. We need something to reminds us how human we are. Anti TELEVISION>> more human relationship. People we gotta say that internet can helps us to unite against the ruling powers of the world who day by day guide us into being more individualistic, lazy and depressed. PEOPLE have to be more humanistic. SEE if you can get this feeling from my photos.. pedro