sabato 27 novembre 2010
sabato 8 maggio 2010
sabato 1 maggio 2010
People . Let us use internet as a weapon pro revolution. Internet is the only tool in which everyone can use to go again this sistem which is imposed on us. Internet is an ambiguous tool since it shares some elements in common with television (TV: is a tool used by the ruling powers in order to banalize, brainwash, slave everyone in society. ) but at the same time , for it is a empowering tool it gives everyone , from the dumbest to the smartest , to share their feelings and ideals. Internet is a too vast of a reality, it can make us lose ourselfs into it... and let the big people control us, or we can try to start sharing productive information so that one day the world becomes a better and free place.
venerdì 30 aprile 2010
A message to all... Contemporary thoughts
So ... guys I happen to follow a teacher in Brera. Her name is Amonaci and she teaches History of Photography. I invite you all to come and watch her lesson every GIOVEDI E VENERDI AT 12:00 IN SALA NAPOLEONICA IN BRERA! Her lessons are verymuch mind opening and she makes her students understand history for what it is. Very enlightining!
The point of studying the past and the development of photography through the years is actually finding out what the contemporary times humans are missing and striving for; so that the artist or photographer understand what type of message he should send to the people through arts and culture.
Example: If you take the 1880s and 90s... Those were times of extreme modersnism. Creations of car, industries, urban areas like paris and london booming, electricity all over the streets, the fast world... the complete loss of the rural and the traditional ways. It was the time of impressionism. Nitzche wrote Thus Spoke Zarathustra, The Gay Science, and Beyond Good and Evil: preparing for the teorization of the New MAN. - The end of 1800s prepared us for a totally new and revolutionary start of the 1900s, a centure where all the rules of the past seemed to have been denied. The world was becoming emperistist, rational, geometrical and abstract. Currents like the futirists and the new dada with a very different way of doing art were to come.
Therefore taking a look at how the world was at that time, one must look at the art and see what artists how artists were trying to portray the "mood" of those years. One shoudnt necessarily look the work of artist to understand..but any type of image production, prints, adds, movies,,, and so on... so that we can make a theory based on the "eSTETICS" of the time.
So that is very interesting.
I will keep on showing my photos which are tought to accumulate a database of what and how images should portray the feeling of these days.
The point of studying the past and the development of photography through the years is actually finding out what the contemporary times humans are missing and striving for; so that the artist or photographer understand what type of message he should send to the people through arts and culture.
Example: If you take the 1880s and 90s... Those were times of extreme modersnism. Creations of car, industries, urban areas like paris and london booming, electricity all over the streets, the fast world... the complete loss of the rural and the traditional ways. It was the time of impressionism. Nitzche wrote Thus Spoke Zarathustra, The Gay Science, and Beyond Good and Evil: preparing for the teorization of the New MAN. - The end of 1800s prepared us for a totally new and revolutionary start of the 1900s, a centure where all the rules of the past seemed to have been denied. The world was becoming emperistist, rational, geometrical and abstract. Currents like the futirists and the new dada with a very different way of doing art were to come.
Therefore taking a look at how the world was at that time, one must look at the art and see what artists how artists were trying to portray the "mood" of those years. One shoudnt necessarily look the work of artist to understand..but any type of image production, prints, adds, movies,,, and so on... so that we can make a theory based on the "eSTETICS" of the time.
So that is very interesting.
I will keep on showing my photos which are tought to accumulate a database of what and how images should portray the feeling of these days.
lunedì 18 gennaio 2010
Gregory Colbert

This artist uses only Analogical Technology, and I am sure he laughs on the face of any Digital Photographer.
Well, what I feel is my duty to speak about here in this blog is all a whole different type of photography. For those who don't know... This BLOG was created so that I could speak about my conceptions on Contemporary ART Photography.
There are many currents that have been going on photography now
The most important and known movement started in1954 at the Dussendorf Academy where Bernd and Hilla Becher developed a new way of looking at photography. They questionedc themselves: Why was photography important to the contemporary art society ! I will try to demonstrate what they have come up as an answear for that question.!!!
For now I will post an Artist, Gregory Colbert , who does not follow the concepts of the art movement initiated by Bern and Hilla Becher !!!
Enjoy him, he has great pictures
sabato 9 gennaio 2010
venerdì 8 gennaio 2010

Questo artista e Bravissimo. Conosce molto ed e molto attento a detagli. Abita a NY e sa molto bene organizare il suo lavoro. Andate sul sito ! Spero conoscere artist come lui a Milano. La realta e che gli artisti a Milano hanno un potenziale molto piu grandi che quelli americani. Il problema e che gli artisti Italiani non riescono ad organizare il lavoro ed essere coerenti. Perfavore mandate i vostri lavori a - cerchiamo di catalogare gli artisti della citta in questo BLOG!
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