These photographers were already Posted, but I will Post it again, cause it helps me Explain what
Type of photography Bern and Hilla Becher taught their students.
Little by little you will understand what I am talk about!
It is always nice to remember the classics. The question is, how these three photographer connect the history of photography. What is their importance?
First of all lets take a look at the time period they have lived.
August Sander: 1876-1964
Gursky: 1955
Thomas struth: 1954
These are all German photographers and they have been key characters to the development of art photography. Their work can describe a photogragraphic language created inside the german culture, surviving the first and the second world war.
The photography in the series above have the objective of classification through the depiction of the individual or the group. August sander before the second world war has published a book with over 60 portraits of the contemporary german society : Face of our Time publishes in 1929. He tended to classify the people by their porpuse within society.
Gurskys work using the same language of classification, can describe groups of people, problems of society, hypocrisy and etc...
Thomas Struth instead can puts families together in a portrait to analyze the role of each character inside the universe of a family ( which is fully comparable to a the many other universes ) . In his last work he seems to have gone a step further. His portraits of people watching painting in art museums through the world seems to have a double influence on the spectator. First he classifies the people that go to the museums, tourists, students, families. Then he photographers them in a dimension where the characters of the painting get confused with the character in the museum. Its a double classification, joining two separate realities.
Gursky's photos are just stunning! love him too!